i know, then i don’t
its a thursday night and im dog sitting. besides an exam i took this morning, this website has been the center of my day. im excited i finally decided to change up the site, and its amazing, but theres so many other things that open up once you do this
ever since indiana fashion week, ive been trying my best to understand where i should go next. each day i have a new idea for something i should do, which is freeing and constraining…of course. but its nice that i have most weekends free to experiment with whatever idea ive fixated on for the week.
then maybe ill talk myself down about it or forget about it or it wont turn out exactly like i wanted it to in my head. then i remember the headspace i got into to get through preparing my collection. little shoutout to my press page, catch my article about how fashion week went down here
me, after my collection walked in the show. definitely didn’t cry of happiness backstage.
now matter how often i think that whatever ive fixated on is IT, and i get married to the idea and discouraged when it doesnt work, i come back each weekend —or however many times a week—and do it again. or do something different for the day. its always cliche to say keep doing what you do no matter if you fail or not, but its very true. if you mess up, guess what? make something else out of that. keep salvaging the good.